This Eagle Head Sculpture was hand-carved and painted by Kwakwaka'wakw artist Rod Smith. It had been carved from basswood, sits on a removable red cedar base, and has been painted in black and red/orange acrylic. Rod is perhaps best known for his precise and elegant painting style.
The Eagle Symbol is known as “The master of skies” and is a symbol of great significance. He is believed to be the creature with the closest relationship with the creator. Soaring to great heights, he can travel between the physical and the spiritual world. He is said to be a messenger to the creator.
Find more information about and examples of Northwest Coast First Nations symbol.
The sculpture, including the base, measures approximately 9 inches or 23 centimeters high, 3 1/2 inches or 9 centimeters wide, and 7 inches or 18 centimeters deep.
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