This Family Crest Argillite Totem Pole by Haida Carver Gryn White depicts family crests of the carver's family. The totem pole depicts an Eagle, Dogfish or Shark, Bear and Human. The argillite pole is hand carved and signed.
The Eagle Symbol is known as “The master of skies” and is a symbol of great significance. He is believed to be the creature with the closest relationship with the creator. Soaring to great heights, he can travel between the physical and the spiritual world. He is said to be a messenger to the creator.
Find more information about and examples of Northwest Coast First Nations symbol.
The Bear Symbol represents strength, family, vitality courage and health. The bear is thoughtful and independent, with little need for fellowship. The bear is also self-contained and strong-willed in nature.
Find more information on First Nations symbol.
Including the base, the totem pole measures about 8 1/4 inches or 21 centimeters high. Without the base the pole is 1 3/4 inches or 4 1/2 centimeters wide and deep. The base is 2 3/4 inches or 7 centimeters wide, 2 1/2 inches or 6 1/2 centimeters deep and about 1/2 an inch or 1 3/8 of a centimeter thick. The weight is about 885 grams or close to 2 pounds.